We are specializing in the reconnaissance of hydrocarbon, water and other mineral deposits using method of Remote Multispectral Prospecting. We are honored to present advanced Russian science for reliable yet low-cost research and/or verification of existing research data. The advantages of the Remote Multispectral Prospecting (RMP) comparing to seismic research and some other methods are following:
RMP is times cheaper than 2D/3D seismic study.
RMP is fast. The study of 5,000 sq.km area takes up to 4 months.
Informativeness of the RMP method is much higher comparing to usual methods. The result of the research is 3D model of target deposit and exact GPS coordinates for recommended drilling point. Knowledge of petrophysical properties allows estimation of approx. deposit value.
The RMP can be applied both at early stages of the research as well as for calibration of acquired data.